Running During the Coronavirus Pandemic

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A message from Susan Love, JUST RUN Director
March 20, 2020

Thanks to all of you for your continuing interest in JUST RUN and for your commitment to protecting and ensuring the safety and well-being of our children. These are trying times for everyone. We know many, if not all, of your schools and programs are closed. Despite it all, children still need to play and exercise. Parents, teachers, and administrators are looking for options to address this need.

To our participating leaders: We hope that you and your JUST RUN students can still find a way to run and enjoy the outdoors while adhering to the guidelines of local and national health agencies. Please encourage the parents of your students to forward mileage to you to enter into the JUST RUN database.

To parents of children impacted by the Coronavirus: The JUST RUN website has many different activities and program features that can be done alone and/or with your guidance to keep you and your children active and physically engaged.

Found in the Forms section there is a Running Log and a Wall Chart that can be printed and posted to keep track of miles. Print the Mileage Award Cards when mileage goals are reached, like 5, 10, 15, etc. In addition, you might want to incorporate the Just Deeds component to give your kids a positive way to cope while at home. Parents can print the Just Deeds form, encourage and record good deeds, then award the Certificate of Completion, also found in the Forms section.

Consider participating in Just Taste. Print the Just Taste form and challenge your family to “taste” as many of the listed foods as possible.

If you have ideas to share with other leaders or want to share your experiences keeping kids active and safe, please send them to me at

Best wishes and please stay healthy,

Susan Love
Director, JUST RUN