Suzann M. Santa Lucia School 3rd Grade Teacher
What I have noticed most about our students is the excitement and joy they have developed for JUST RUN. Every day we head out for P.E. I am asked the same question. “Are we doing JUST RUN?” In my opinion, this program is wonderful and should be used at all schools. A few of my students are not your typical runners. They either have a weight problem, or other physical difficulties, but this doesn’t stop them. They either run as much as they can or they walk. Thebest part is, they never give up. They keep moving no matter what. The students have become stronger runners and they are so proud when they find out they have completed anothermile or that they are able to run more laps then the week before. I am so thankful for this program and for Kevin R. who brought JUST RUN to our school.