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Fruits...delicious and so good for you! A fruit is the ripened seed-bearing part of a flowering plant. When we eat a fruit, we are eating the fleshy, edible part of the plant that contains the seeds. Many fruits are eaten raw but many are cooked as well. We generally think of fruits as sweet, such as apples, pears, grapes, and oranges. Because they are sweet they are often used for dessert or in dessert recipes. However, many true fruits are called “vegetables” because they are more savory, not as sweet, and are used in salads or as part of the main dish in a meal. For example, cucumbers, squash, avocados, eggplants, and tomatoes are technically fruits but are typically called vegetables. Fruits are very healthy foods to eat, containing many important and necessary vitamins and minerals as well as fiber.

To learn more about a fruit shown below, click on its name or picture.