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Vegetables...yes, they can be very tasty as well as healthy! A vegetable refers to the edible parts of plants, either roots, stems, leaves, and occasionally buds. Many are eaten raw, such as celery, lettuce, and carrots, yet a vast number are cooked, like Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and potatoes. Vegetables are generally not sweet. That is why some true fruits are thought of as vegetables because they are eaten in salads or cooked to be part of a main dish. Fruits such as tomatoes, eggplant and bell peppers are examples of fruits cooked in such a fashion that they are labeled as vegetables. Vegetables are important “nutritional” foods to eat because they contain high amounts of vitamins, dietary minerals, fiber, and carbohydrates. Many vegetables contain chemicals that help fight germs, viruses, fungi and even cancer as well as helping to strengthen the body's immune system. 

To learn more about a vegetable listed below, click on its name or picture.

*Technically a fruit but used as a vegetable